Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nomonde Mapetla suspended.

Sunday Times - February 20, 2011

I have allways maintained that the qualifications are inappropriate and not conducive to allowing new black entrants into the market. This view is also shared by others in the industry.

I quote from the above article: "Geffen said that under Mapetla the EAAB 'has made it impossible for new agents to enter the market'.

Geffen said this was because of Mapetla's insistence that all agents have recognised qualifications.

'Very few people are coming in simply because the exams are too hard... it's made it impossible for black, white pink or yellow to enter.'

The EAAB is a consumer protection agency and should not attempt to regulate the industry through licencing requirements. Yes, it should stamp on agencies that defraud clients, that are unethical and dip their fingers in the tust money till; but not attempt to control the industry. That role should be handed to the profession to look after. Exactly how this is to be done needs some consultation with the industry and not the one-sided approach that the EAAB has been following.

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